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title: Opsml Primary Artifacts
flowchart LR

    #bull; Interface
    #bull; Metadata")

    db[("Card Registry")]

    interface --stored in--> artifacts --stored in--> db

Interfaces are one of the 3 primary objects in OpsML and can be viewed as a low-level object with the most flexibility. Although each subclassed interface is unique, they are all designed to be injected into a ModelCard or DataCard

Interface Types

  • DataInterface: Interface used to store data-related information (data, dependent variables, feature descriptions, split logic, etc.)

  • ModelInterface: Interface used to store trained model and model information

Data Interface

The DataInterface is the primary interface for working with data in OpsML. It is designed to be subclassed and can be used to store data in a variety of formats depending on the library. Out of the box the following subclasses are available:

  • PandasData: Stores data from a pandas dataframe
  • NumpyData: Stores data from a numpy array
  • PolarsData: Stores data from a polars dataframe
  • ArrowData: Stores data from a pyarrow table
  • ImageDataset: Stores data from a directory of images
  • TextDataset: Stores data from a directory of text files
  • TorchData: Stores data from a torch tensor(s)
  • SqlData: Stores sql text

Model Interface

The ModelInterface is the primary interface for working with models in OpsML. It is designed to be subclassed and can be used to store models in a variety of formats depending on the library. Out of the box the following subclasses are available:

  • SklearnModel: Stores data from a sklearn model
  • TorchModel: Stores data from a pytorch model
  • LightningModel: Stores data from a pytorch lightning model
  • HuggingFaceModel: Stores data from a huggingface model
  • TensorFlowModel: Stores data from a tensorflow model
  • XGBoostModel: Stores data from a xgboost model
  • LightGBMModel: Stores data from a lightgbm model
  • CatBoostModel: Stores data from a catboost model

For more information on interfaces, see the each interface's respective documentation.